Who Can Participate?
Every company involved in the air cargo value chain can participate in the World Air Cargo Awards organised by ACW. However, companies can only enter categories for which they are eligible, as described in the criteria. All participating companies must be legal entities. Different legal entities of the same company (where one entity holds at least 50% + 1 share) can only participate once, with participation being considered for the entire company.
Companies that operate under different brandings but have the same holding company as a shareholder may participate under their respective brands.
How to participate
Participation must follow the instructions provided for each category on the ACW website under the Awards section. The methods of participation vary depending on the category and award but generally include the following options:
- Submission of a Powerpoint Presentation (PPT or PPTX) exported to a PDF file: Companies should submit their presentation detailing how they meet the defined criteria and the progress made over the past year. The presentation can have a maximum of 14 slides, including the company introduction. The introduction and the five criteria (a total of six topics) can each cover up to two slides.
- Nominations will be accepted between 4th November 2024 and 7th January 2025.
- Submission of a specific project or campaign: Companies may also submit a specific project or campaign. In this case, the presentation can have a maximum of six slides: one for the introduction and one per criterion (five slides for five criteria).
- Some awards will be selected solely by a jury or organiser, but this will be clearly indicated in the category description on the website.
If a company submits an entry in a category for which it is not eligible or fails to meet the participation criteria, the organisation will inform the company, allowing them to update their submission. Companies that comply with the submission criteria will receive confirmation of their successful completion. No submissions will be accepted after the stated deadline.
How is Selection of Nominees Carried Out?
An international and neutral jury will evaluate each participant’s submission based on the criteria for each Award. The jury will assess participants on two levels:
- How well the company performs overall against the criteria.
- How much the company has improved on the specific criteria over the past year.
The companies with the highest scores will be selected for the next round, where the industry will vote. The number of selected companies (nominees) may vary per category, but this will be clearly stated on the website before the start of the campaign.
How is Voting Done?
Once the nominees are announced, they will be listed on the ACW website. During the voting period (the duration of which will be clearly mentioned on the website), industry professionals can cast their votes. Companies may promote their selection as a nominee to the industry. Voters may vote in one or multiple categories, with no minimum required. Voting is restricted to:
- People in the logistics industry.
- Individuals not employed by any nominated company.
- Those using an official company email address.
After voting, a confirmation link will be emailed to the voter to finalise their vote.
The company receiving the most votes will be awarded the highest points, as explained in the next section. The number of votes determines the ranking for earning points, votes are not the same as points.
How will the Final Result be Determined?
The final result is based on the sum of points awarded by the jury and the industry vote. Points are assigned based on the rank of nominees within each category. If there are three nominees in a category, points are allocated as follows:
- 1st place: 5 points
- 2nd place: 3 points
- 3rd place: 1 point
For five nominees, the point distribution is as follows:
- 1st place: 7 points
- 2nd place: 5 points
- 3rd place: 3 points
- 4th place: 2 points
- 5th place: 1 point
Points are awarded in three categories:
- Points from the jury for meeting the criteria.
- Points from the jury for improvement over the past year.
- Points from the industry via voting.
In the event of a tie, the jury’s points will be the deciding factor. If the tie persists, the points for improvement over the past year will determine the winner. If a tie still remains, both companies will win the award.
What Happens in the Case of Unclarity or any Issues?
In such cases, the jury will investigate and provide instructions on how to proceed. Their decision is final and cannot be challenged by any participating or organising company. If necessary, the jury may also recommend updates or changes to the terms and conditions of the Awards.